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Rainforest Diet, Part 1

Costa Rica ranks #1 on the Happy Planet Index. Think they eat well there? I'd guess they're Happy about their diet because their food tastes so good. Sure it's healthy, but it's really fun to eat. Here's a Happy Day in the Life.
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Balanced Monday: Keeping the resolution.

A 3-minute exercise to strengthen the muscles you use to stay on your feet. To train them to react fast. So when you step onto an uneven, slippery or unstable surface that makes you to begin to lose your balance - you'll immediately regain it.
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Slower Sunday: Off the hook

No cell phone service out here. No internet. No email or Facebook. Imagine. The big disconnect. You're off the hook. Couldn't send a cell phone picture of this. Not right then. So just be here. Or there. Now. Press Play.
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The Walk That Ate Austin

Walk the whole river trail and the complete in-town loop for a 5-hour, 11-mile Walk that burns about 1,500 calories. Way more than your breakfast tamale at the Farmers Market and a great lunch along the Way.
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Soubise: The Lazy Guy’s Risotto

Luscious, rich, aromatic. Without all that last-minute stirring. Just get it started an hour before you want to serve and eat. Elegant and hearty. Great served with almost any vegetable or alongside fish, chicken or meat.
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Parsnip: Soup of the Week

It warms and soothes. It's smooth and refined, but it's substantial, not weenie. It's delicious in a way that's simple and complex at the same time. It's sweet. It's earthy. Smooth and creamy with zero cream or milk. You gotta make this.
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Greek Gratin: Spinach, Feta, White Beans

Winter's answer to the Greek salad. Smoking hot, right out of the oven. Spinach. Feta cheese. White beans, no olives. Brown on top, bubbling throughout. A very green and rich-but-not-heavy gratin casserole. You'll be amazed you made it yourself. Easily.
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Moving Monday: Keeping the resolution

Even if you exercise vigorously for an hour every day, sitting for the next 8 hours significantly increases your risk of all the things you exercise to avoid. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity. Here's a 1-minute solution. Do it in front of the TV or computer.
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Slower Sunday: Awesome

This place is truly awesome. Not like, hey dude, your new surfboard is really awesome. No, I mean awesome in the original and profound sense of being in a state of awe.
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