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The Year on the Trail 2021

You really don't need a mask up here. Especially not at six in the morning. It's beautiful and hopeful. Hopin' for an even better year next year. Happy New Year.
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The Year in the Kitchen 2021

Another year that began with a lot of time in the kitchen because home was the only place that offered indoor dining. So I went to Japan and the French Alps - in my kitchen.
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Your Monday #47: No-Bike Cycling

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month bring you new Ways to shake your thang, increase your flexibility, balance and strength, respectively. So what happens when the month has a 5th Monday? We invent a sport.
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Burn those Thanksgiving calories indoors

Is this your year to burn Thanksgiving calories on a Treadmill? In the comfy and great indoors. Here are a couple of great ones that are ... here. Available right now - no supply chain excuses. And they're discounted for three days!
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Giving Thanks for The Great Indoors

The last 20 months have really brought home the importance of being able to derive joy from what used to seem like little things, things we took for granted. Today, I'm thankful to have Thanksgiving dinner indoors.
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Your Monday #46: Keep it up

Your strength. Good news: all you need is frequent exercise to maintain muscle strength and mass. At any age. Like all fourth-Mondays-of-the-month this year, today comes with a simple program of Ways to increase your strength.
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Your Monday #45: Your Daily Balance

Like all third-Mondays-of-the-month, today's Way is all about your balance. Not losing it. And, if you do, recovering it so quickly that you don't fall. Here are a couple of 5-minute routines you really should try.
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