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Slower Sunday: No texting while walking

This is a beautifully strange walk. Starts normal. You walk from the parking lot to the trailhead. You head toward the canyon. You enter the canyon. It gets narrower. And narrower. Press Play.
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Slower Sunday: Dune Boogie

You're walking in the sand. You sink in a little more with each step. You know that when you get to the top of the dune, you'll have a spectacular view of ...
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Slower Father’s Day

When I was very young, my dad used to make pancakes for me and my sister on Sundays. Didn't take any longer to make them then than it does now, but it seemed like forever for an impatient five year old. I really wasn't that into the idea of Slower at that age.
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Slower Sunday: Detail oriented

Sometimes you lose the forest for the trees. And sometimes you just find a really great tree. You could spend the better part of a Sunday in here.
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