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A New Way Every Day. 1 year. $10.
1 specific thing to eat or do every day.
I translate the latest medical research into easy-to-make recipes and
easy-to-do exercises.

Today’s Way of the Day:

Party Flavors

No fumbles. If you're eating while you're watching The Game, you need a handheld strategy. Snacks that stay on your little plate, in your hand or in your mouth. Even while you're jumping up and down. May the best snacks be eaten.
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Today’s Way of the Day:

Party Flavors

No fumbles. If you're eating while you're watching The Game, you need a handheld strategy. Snacks that stay on your little plate, in your hand or in your mouth. Even while you're jumping up and down. May the best snacks be eaten.
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A New Way Every Day. 1 year. $10.
1 specific thing to eat or do every day.
I translate the latest medical research into easy-to-make recipes and
easy-to-do exercises.

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