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Slower Sunday: Appalachian Time Machine

The trail that transports you to ... now. Right now. Right here. Too beautiful to let you think about what you didn't do yesterday. Or what you have to do tomorrow. Just Press Play.
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Got 10 minutes? For your blood pressure?

3 10-minute walks each day can make a significant contribution to lowering your blood pressure. Just brisk walking - no running - does the trick. If you don't have a dog, or if getting outside for three walks a day just doesn't work for you, here are some indoor options.
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A Walk Through The Thanksgiving Math

Before you finalize your Thanksgiving meal planning, let's do a little preventive math. Add up those future calories. And subtract a future walk's worth of calorie-burning.
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Polenta Dressing: Think outside the bird

Dressing. Not stuffing. Cook it separately. Not inside the turkey. So good you might think, who needs the turkey? Here's a perfectly moist and deeply flavorful savory dressing with a luscious whole grain corn polenta base.
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Back to BCS Basics: Polenta

It's delicious. It's cheap and easy. It's a real, whole and complete food. All good, no bad. If pasta or rice is your only answer to "what goes with everything?", polenta's a whole new world to put in your mouth.
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Sweet Potato Pie

Just make it. It's great. It's cheap. It's easy. The only real decision is how to serve it. Turkey sidekick or dessert? No Better Way to eat a sweet potato. Thanksgiving Day or Any Day.
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Your Monday #44: 24/7 Flexibility

Like all second-Mondays-of-the-month this year, today's Way is all about your flexibility. Total flexibility from a 10-minute stretching routine that combines simple, gentle Ways to keep you loose and comfortable all day.
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3-Layer Pancake with Apples and Pears

Is this a party or is this breakfast? Or dessert? Whichever Way you serve it, it tastes even Better than it looks. Looks like a luscious calorie bomb - but it could help you lose weight. Click and read the magic.
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The Marathon That Ate New York

This Sunday 48,000 people will run along 26.2 miles of New York streets. I won't be one of them. Because they never stop to eat. No, if I'm going to cruise through that much of my hometown, I'm going to stop at a few of our 5,000 restaurants to restore some of the calories I'm burning. I'd do it this Way.
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