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Happy New Year on The Great Wall

This Year of the Rabbit is your lucky year. Your second chance to make a healthy New Year Resolution to Be Better Outdoors. I can't think of a Better Way to celebrate the Chinese New Year than a Great Hike on the Great Wall. Even if it's just a great daydream while you take the sidewalk.
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Great Balls of Exercise: Leg Extensions

Another bouncy exercise. But not too bouncy. The Ball is unstable. It rolls. Unless you exert force to keep it in place. Which means you engage many large and small muscles. Very time-efficient. Comfy and fun. And it burns more calories.
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The Most Beautiful Hike in the World

Kauai's Nu'alolo Ridge Trail delivers a visual punch line that's more powerful than any other I've seen. Even now, on my tenth or twelfth visit, it still gets me. Doesn't take me by surprise, but it still takes me. To that place where you really can't think, you just sense.
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Goodness, gracious, Great Balls of …

Here's another Way to amuse yourself while you exercise. With a Stability Ball. It's unstable. It rolls. Unless you exert force to keep it in place. Which means you engage many large and small muscles. Very time-efficient. And it burns more calories.
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Waimea Canyon: Grand, tropical, steep

Sometimes it's hard to believe your eyes. You get a few of those times on this six-mile hike in the Waimea Canyon on the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i. It's an exhilarating three- or four-hour walk through dense tropical foliage to wide-open views of the place called the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.
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Resolution #4: Be Better Outdoors

Amaze yourself. Once a month. Outdoors. This is a great new habit to create. A monthly high that'll turn into a weekly high because it's so good you'll actually want to do it every day. Here's how to kickstart the habit.
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New Year Resolution #1: Better in Bed

Probably slept late this morning, huh? So this might be a good time to think about sleep. More than 75% of us think poor sleep causes health problems. More than 25% of us report being frequently too sleep-deprived to have sex. I think this calls for a resolution.
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Flexible Monday: The Big Stretch

Get loose. Comfortable. Flexible. This is one big stretch. Stretches everything. Your hips. Your hamstrings and calves. Your shoulders and chest. It'll improve your flexibility everywhere.
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Train for skiing. Especially if you don’t ski.

Skiing's all about balance, flexibility, strength and stamina. Just like life. This is the Way to remain upright whether or not you're on skis. A 7-minute daily routine to improve it all - right where it counts.
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